I think I’m quite ready for another adventure…

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere. — Albert Einstein

I’m excited by the prospect of what I learned today regarding my future. I’ve been painfully aware for a while that it is uncomfortable and unnatural for me to enjoy work that is the same day-in and day-out. I’ve struggled with that thought, knowing that it would be incredibly important to my family’s well-being that I learn to manage steady work and provide a steady income.

Lately I’ve been increasing in vision bit by bit regarding my long-term aspirations. As I pondered the direction I’ve felt impressed to head in, I’ve seen a strong possibility of ending up in government and political office. Since realizing that, so many aspects of that life that would fit perfectly are becoming apparent. Today, as I studied, I realized that a career as a politician would require me to be constantly moving, constantly growing, constantly working to move higher and reach farther. I would never be able to sit back comfortably and work a routine, per se. At first, that idea unsettled me. But that only lasted a moment, and then, I became excited.

The future has become bright for me lately. There are so many things I’m happy about and excited for, and so many directions that I can take my life right now. I’ve reached a point where my decisions really are between good, better, and best. I love, love, love it.

Tonight, LaDawn brought up music as we listened to Rob Gardner’s music from the Lamb of God. It was incredibly moving, and reminded me of why I wanted to go into music composition a few years back. I felt inspired as we listened, and felt a renewed determination to put effort and heart and soul into that endeavor again. As we listened, she said, “Bennie, we need to put ourselves out there more and share our music.” My mind was already settling on the fact that I need to begin to write again. Lately I’ve felt unsure about that, and have been praying quite a bit to know what I should do. I received that confirmation this morning that this was a worthy pursuit, and that the Lord approved of my putting effort into that area.

So, with the quote at the beginning of the post, I’m working hard lately to apply logic in order to travel from many a’s to b’s and beyond. But my imagination is also running wild right now, and I feel like the world is opening up to me. My faith is bright, and the future is bright. I have much life ahead, and many, many things to do. I’m very happy, and so look forward to it all.


2 thoughts on “I think I’m quite ready for another adventure…

  1. Hi Ben, You can do anything that you make up your mind to do, and be successful. Good Luck in your selection for it could and will change you life…and change is good!! My prayers are ever with you my grandson.Love,Nanny

  2. Just tell us when and where do can we vote for you! By the way, Parkersburg needs a new mayor! =) And yes, you should write more wonderful music. We need new songs for the ipod.

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